All based on my DaVinci experience -
Catheter out after 7 days.
No bladder tests or xrays or fill tests, just pulled it.
No pain, just relief to be done with the bladder spasms.
Was on "no driving" rule for one month.
Was on "no lifting" over FIVE (5) pounds for two months, followed by no lifting over TEN (10) pounds for another ~6 weeks.
No upper torso exercise - that limit was pulled at 5 months.
Increase walking as tolerated. I tried to do two sessions, at least 30 minutes each, one morning, one later in the day, and did a round of Kegels after each, then another set of Kegels in the middle of the day (increasing Kegels until they hurt does no good, and actually may set back the incontinence progress). As I got better, I could walk further / faster during the sessions, but used that total 1 hour a day as an objective. It was also all that my pant & pads would hold