In my opinion, erectile recovery is a crap shoot. I am 4 1/2 years past DaVinci surgery. I was very sexually active before my surgery. My wife and I had sex several times a week without any pills, aids or other help. Since my surgery with "one side spared" I am batting ZERO...I have never had a full natural erection. None of the pills worked for me.
We still have sex several times a week, but every time it requires a shot of .15 bi-mix (30/1 Papvarine/phentolomine). The good news is that it works every time. I get a full, long lasting erection. So, things change, but you can still have a sex life.
My doctor kept reassuring me before surgery that he would find a way to save my sex life if I was "motivated enough"...I have always been motivated when it comes to sex.. I assumed that I would go back to having regular erections. I was wrong, the doctor IMO was not as honest or at least as clear as he should have been. You are only 8 weeks and barely healing. things will get better. However it will not be like it was before...guaranteed.