If you have any doubts about
the doseage or the syringe call the office. This is powerful stuff and nothing to guess about
For me it took a few tries to get the right dose. I was told not to exceed 8 injections a month, inject at the base, hold pressure on the site and walk around for a couple of minutes.
A lot of doctors prefer their own formula for various reasons. You can't go by what works for one guy as a guide.
They may have the standard formula and you may have a different mix.
I use BD Insulin Syringes 1/2 ml/cc (up to 50 units), 12mm (1/2" long), 30 guage
My Trimix isn't the standard formula and I've found I need only 18 units (.18ml) to do the job. I think my prescription is high test..... smokin'-off-the-rims-rubber-burnin'-high test.....
Takes 5-7 minutes for Junior to look serious. In 10 minutes he's ready for combat.
Doc told me I'd probably end up needing .20-.30ml and he was close.
Good luck.... it gets better....