Hi windy city
I had a good consult the other day with a doctor who my uro sent me to, he is a mens sexual health doc and he specialises in ED. he explained the difference between Bimix , Trimix and Prostaglandin. I started on just Prostaglandin and got to 60 units for a 90% erection. he now has worked out the best Trimix solution for me.
In regards to the difference he explained prostagladin is all natural and is in our bodies anyway and it is safest to use but it causes post injection pain in most men, needs to be refridgerated is a bit dearer etc. Trimix use this, plus two other drugs to get an erection with no pain. Also needs refridgeration, he said if I wanted something to take with me on a holiday or travel he would make up a bimix with no Prostaglandin, this will keep for ages.
As far as the process goes it is fine, I was a bit worried at first but now easy, I do the plump and prick method I read about it on a forum here. I have only had 1 occaission when nothing happened.
There are two trains of thought of when to start injections, one is asap after surgery my uro is in that camp as he believes it will give blood flow to whole lenght of penis inside bit and outside where ved only fills outside part. The mens health doc is in other camp who believes 6-12 months of Ved with oral 5 mg cialis with a boost every now and then is better? But he was happy with my decisiion to follow uro's advise as he said to me it will give the very best chance of healing nerves. I have'nt tried trimix yet but will pick up script tomorrow. don't stress about injecting it is easy after a while and results are pretty good just start off with small dose and work up so you don't have a ER visit, my guy also recomends having some sudafed handy to take if probs. good luck I'm sure it will be fine ,