I always was a one-trick-pony, and too bad I never discovered the extra tricks to be had with Cialis.
Double bad, as Cialis now gives me zero tricks
To answer Alf's questions:
Can I get an erection unaided?
NoCan I get an erection using a pump or similar device, if so what?
Yes, pump Can I get an erection using tablets, if so which?
No, none Can I get an erection using injections, if so which?
Yes, bimixHow long does it take to get an erection compared to how it was before surgery?
1 to 10 mins vs 10-30 secondsHow long does it last compared to before surgery?
Pump and Bimix: As long as I need it. Needs a bit of stimulation to keep it upHow big is the erection compared to before surgery?
Pump: Same length, but a little more girth. Bimix: no differenceHow stiff is it compared to before surgery?
Pump 80-90%. Bimix 90-100%Is it stiff enough to have penetrative sex?
YesAre your orgasms the same as before?
Generally betterIs the resulting sex satisfactory for you?
YesIs the resulting sex satisfactory for your partner if you have one?
YesDo you dribble or squirt urine during sex?
NoAre there any other observations about
how your penis/erection works after treatment?
I was non-nerve spared so expected to have ED (but hoped for better!) Over three years out, I count myself lucky that the pump works as well as it does. Bimix worked better, but the injection process itself, and a hint of curvature was enough to put me off that as a long-term solution.