Hi ya folks,
I have been taking a little break from PCa and just enjoying life large. Taking a break from PCa is nice but I have been really missing a lot of you folks.
So I thought I would stop in to say hi and to give you the latest updates on Lynn and I.
Mine is the easy part. I am still in the period of waiting for the next of my clinical trial scans which is scheduled for February and then my visit with my Onco in March.
In the meantime, since HT is on my horizon, I am using this time to prepare for it. I have started a life style change, the name of it and the particulars don’t need to be discussed now because that always seems to create some heavy discussions of the pro and con variety. We don’t need that now. Suffice is to say that in the last 4 weeks I have dropped 13 pounds and 3 percentage points of body fat. I have seen good muscle gain and definition in my body and have had to go shopping to replace my 36 inch waist jeans with 33 inch ones. I hate loose and baggy clothes. I have a ton of energy and stamina and feel really good. I had a complete blood workup done right before I started and will have another at the 3 month period to see what these changes are doing for me.
Lynn on the other hand is not fairing as well. She has seen a dramatic increase in bone and body pain. She had a complete skeletal MRI survey done last Friday and it shows a marked increase in her cancer activity in the spinal area. There are 33 vertebrae that make up the spine and she shows damage and/or activity in all but 3 of them.
Thursday a week ago she had to go in for weekly blood work and we received a call from the doctor at 8pm that evening tell us she needed to check into the hospital. Her calcium levels were off the chart and her kidneys were in danger. They needed to keep her for a couple of days and flush her system to protect them. The cancer activity eating away at the bones is dumping too much calcium in her system for it to be able to be processed.
She is home now and has become pretty much bed-ridden. She had to finally submit to the purchase of a wheel chair. She has been putting that off for as long as possible. But she is at the point where being on her feet for more than a couple of minutes becomes unbearable.
Tomorrow morning she will have surgery for the installation of a porta-cath, so that future blood tests and chemo therapies will be easier. When she was in the hospital it took them about
4 hours to get the IV in. They finally had to call in a team to use ultrasound to find a vein they could use. Poor baby’s veins have taken quite a beating over the last 6 years of dealing with this crap.
This week we will be meeting with her Onco, her Radiation Onco and a pain management specialist to plan for the next steps.
BUT, through all of this her spirits are bright and great as always. We both still find something everyday to take joy in and feel that our lives continue to be blessed in so many ways.
AND YES! We both feel that “Every Day is STILL A Bonus” and we enjoy them all.
You guys have been such a huge part of our lives for years now, so I thought that updates were in order.
You are all in our prayers and blessings, and we hope that each of you find the peace, comfort and joy that we have.
We love you guys,
Sonny and Lynn