I couldn't find the thread I was posting on before, however, the recent PET/CT Scan Dad had done was with the F-18 not C-11. She said both dyes essentially do the same thing- they are both very sensitive.
We got the results from the oncologist yesterday...we now have a full understanding that he is positive for bone mets.
She said the scan is very sensitive but she sees spots in the entire spine, cervical, ribs, femur and especially the left hip.
She advises no longer seeing the urologist and switching to allowing her to provide full care (which we are all for). She did say that this isn't necessarily progression of disease but this is the first time we are getting a "clear" picture. She said the difference between a normal bone scan and a PET scan is like the difference of an "old tv or a Plasma".
Dad is on vacation but when he returns she will go over all of this with him. She told me one the phone today and we relayed the news.
Next steps are an X-ray of the hip, radiation to the left hip and a meeting with an orthapedic surgeon to determine if "surgical intervention" is necessary for that area. We are really praying it isn't needed.
What questions should we ask the oncologist at the next visit?
So far I am interested in knowing whether or not casodex will be added to the current Lupron as well as whether Zometa is necessary.
I asked on the phone "What happens now". Aside from the things listed above (Xray, Radiation to hip) she said we wait until the PSA starts to rise and then we look at other treatment options (Chemotherapy, one I can't remember and then Clinical trials).
We are all really worried now. He's a G9.... only 66 y/o. She said the Lupron will likely work for 18-24 months and given that he's a G9 and his highest PSA was only a 9.7 (aprox) she finds that concerning (as in it may stop responding sooner than later)?
Encourgement needed -- and advice for what questions we should be asked from others going through this...