My uro's nurse called me earlier. Based on the sample I left at the pre-op on Monday, I have a very bad UTI going on in my stoma. They called in a super antibiotic med which I just picked up. She said it could interfere with next Tuesday's scheduled op, if it doesn't get under control.
With my urinary by-pass in place, I get no obvious symptons of a UTI, since I have a non-working bladder, so I would never feel any burning, etc. Plus, the bladder in a normal person serves as a buffer zone if you get an UTI, so that it doesn't travel to your kidneys. In my case, my Kidney's empty right into the conduit, and out of me, so its potentially dangerous since an infection can quickly make it way into my kidneys.
Hoping these meds work, and work fast. Sure don't want a delay in this surgery, now that all the arrangements have been made.
David in SC