Three years ago I posted a message on which I am reposting five paragraphs below.
My Christmas wish, at that time, was to have the Virtue sling mesh, that was implanted in my body five months earlier, removed in its entirety due to unrelenting pain. It had also made my incontinence MUCH worse.
I had been told that the lower arms of the Virtue sling could not be removed once they become scared in place, no matter how much pain they were causing. I did undergo a grueling 3 1/2 hour surgery, mostly to have the center section of the Virtue sling explanted. This only resulted in partial reduction in pain.
I have contacted specialist at many of the most prestigious hospitals including orthopedic surgeons, urologist, and also radiologist (in hopes a radiologist could image the remaining mesh utilizing transperineal ultrasound).
I have read that the Virtue polypropylene mesh, remaining in my body, should be echogenic. Therefore a transperineal untrasound should clearly show the
locations of the remaining mesh.
My hope is, if I can obtain good images of the remaining mesh, perhaps I can find someone to reconsider the importance of removing this pain causing material from my body.
So far, no one has agree to be helpful. I have been told it is too difficult and/or dangerous to attempt to remove the remaining mesh, under my pelvic bones. These remaining lower mesh arms result in a feeling of sitting on a rough steel cable when seated. They also seem to be a source of nerve pain radiating down both legs.
So, once again, the best Christmas present to myself would be to locate a qualified surgeon to remove the remainder of the Virtue sling material from my body. It has and continues to destroy the quality of my life!
Posted 11/26/2009 2:27 PM (GMT -7)
I was implanted with a Coloplast Virtue male sling the 14th of July 2009. It has been one of the most miserable experiences of my life. It not only worsened my incontinence but has caused intolerable pain 24/7. I fail to understand how such a tortuous device can be legally implanted into a human body. I would prefer water boarding compared the pain and discomfort from this device. At least with water boarding, there are times of no torture when the water stops.
My Coloplast Virtue sling will be cut out of my body at the Cleveland Clinic on the 17th of December 2009. Parting company with this contraption will be the best Christmas present in the world for me.
I know of others facing the same outcome with this device. If you are suffering in silence, I would like to hear from you. My email is:
Happy Thanksgiving to all,
Post Edited (male_sling_problems) : 12/25/2012 5:52:24 AM (GMT-7)