Posted 1/25/2013 4:27 PM (GMT -5)
“Am I crazy?” No; probably smarter than most.
Welcome to the first day of the rest of your life. Starting today, your education on AS begins. Those who immerse themselves the deepest in an understanding of how they can help themselves be successful on AS end up being the most successful men on AS. You’ve got some learning to do.
· You will become intimate with the names and works of the AS “thought leaders;” names like Dr Laurence Klotz, Dr H Ballentine Carter, Dr Peter Carroll, Dr Daniel Lin, Dr Mark Soloway, Dr Ian Thompson, and others. Dr Klotz published one of the best overall papers on AS HERE .
· You will learn that there are different “protocols” for entering AS, staying on AS, and leaving AS. The “best practices” in AS are continually improving. Some of the large institutions have a protocol used by their doctors, but it differs from institution to institution. Independent doctors often mimic one of the large institutions, or develop their own. In the next few months, you’ll want to develop a clear picture of what your protocol will be. ( Protocol info ) Klotz’s program includes programs of patient education which addresses the psychological needs of AS patients by providing access to the data and results which continues to grow reinforcing AS as the best choice for carefully selected men. Also, you will learn that the most successful programs all include "lifestyle therapy" (diet, exercise, stress reduction).
· You will learn that there are fine points that the experts (and non-experts) don’t agree upon (no surprise here). I feel that the Sitemaster at The “New” Prostate Cancer Infolink is one of the most balanced layperson’s perspective on all things PC. Look for yourself; read -active-surveillance/" rel=nofollow target=_blank> THIS posting from late 2010 on AS. Then, I suggest going to this site on a regular basis to stay informed on what’s the latest and greatest in all things PC, and/or use the site’s search function and enter “active surveillance” to learn lots.
· You will learn that some doctors with AS patients prescribe use of the high resolution color-doppler process to stage your prostate (in conjunction with, and as an alternative to, more biopsies). It is not widely used, but very enthusiastically used by many of the leading experts. Learn more about it HERE from Dr Duke Bahn, probably the world’s leading expert in using it for PC.
· You may have the opportunity to participate in a clinical trial; there are several trials currently recruiting participants. One example is the PASS, Prostate Active Surveillance Study, which seeks to fine-tune markers that will identify cancers that are more/less aggressive. Clinical studies benefit the participants for several reasons, including the higher-than-typical level of oversight. Some of the institutions participating in the PASS are: UCSF, Stanford, Beth Israel/Harvard Med, Univ of Mich, Texas-San Antonio, Eastern VA Med, Univ of Wash, and VA at Puget Sound. See THIS link for PASS, or learn to search for other clinical trials HERE .
· You will learn, if you don’t already know, about the “overtreatment” epidemic, and that many doctors treating PC patients, and pathologists specializing in PC, are lobbying their peers to support a change the name of low-risk PC to eliminate the word “cancer” so that unnecessary overtreatment might be reduced (on patients like you). Awareness for you. Some reading HERE , or THIS article for starters.
· You will find that interest and enthusiasm for AS is growing everywhere. Just over a year ago, the NIH, National Institutes of Health, convened the first-ever State-of-the-Science Conference titled “Role of AS in the Management of Men with Localized PC.” HERE is some good overview info published by the NIH; HERE is the Program and Published Abstracts Book; HERE is the site where you can find the videocast of the event; watch for more.
Lots to learn. Very best wishes on your journey…
Post Edited (Casey59) : 1/25/2013 2:38:31 PM (GMT-7)