Raddad said : "And yet Vast majority Doctors do not prescribe it Vast majority Insurance companies do not cover it"
This TV ads is about
speaking up & fighting for those 30000 men that died from mCRPC and didn't have access to Provenge in the following years:
2007 when that corrupted FDA rejected Provenge after a panel voted overwhelmingly in favor;
2008- 2009 company that could ill-afford to finance and conduct new trial III go ahead with trial ;
2010 when Medicare slammed a CMS process and doctors became fearful of the reimbursement envroment and when company only treated 494 patients and 29,506 newly diagnosed and 60,000 living with mCRPC didn't have access to Provenge;
2011 company only treated 2322 patients and 27,678 newly diagnosed and 60,000 living w/ mCRPC didn't have access to Provenge;
2012 company only treated 3494 patients and 26506 newly diagnosed and 60,000 didn't have access to Provenge.
Where was PCF and other charities in that time and whose interests their represent ?
But was little "Care To Live " who fought with FDA and brought law suits that went nowhere but shed some light where the FDA did not want it.
Without Care To Live and Who knows? Would Provenge have perished?
Bravo " Care TO Live" for a difficult job well done! Provenge gained recognition and then an actual FDA approval.caretolive.com/Almost 3 years ago, Provenge was FDA approved (almost certainly against Drs. Pazdur's, Hussain's, Sherr's wills and untill now they continue ignore this treatment). Pazdur, the arrogant bureaucrat (who once correctly claimed "I am the FDA!") formed an obstructionist alliance (literally in written agreements) with CMS Medicare reimbursement people then headed by the Berwick (who since has moved on)—to scare off doctor usage of Provenge for a full year while CMS threatened not to pay for Provenge reimbursement requests from doctors and insurances gladly allowed that path.
But CMS was firmly mandated by law to pay for FDA -Approved new products aimed at previously unmet needs--which Provenge certainly was and is.
So when a desperate patient looks his Urologist in the eye ( after failing hormonal therapy) and says to himself, in effect, "Don't just stand there Doctor, DO something!" then that Doctor has choices that include both pills and Provenge Immunotherapy. Pills are likely to win out at that point. Pills are easier. Pills cannot easily be questioned by patients as to their advisability. You can continue on them even your PSA rise and valuable time for best response for Provenge pass but
only Provenge has OS in prechemo space and highest NCCN category 1 recommendation prechemo.So this TV add clear shows that any patient receiving Provenge will physically deal more effectively with his disease by having a stronger ramped-up Immune System focused on Prostate Cancer cancer-specific cells. That focus will add to the patient's life and strength. It will prolong the patient's sense of well-being and physical capabilities. And his family needs him around long time to enjoy life together. A Patient's demand should be made with an answer already in mind. He should be thinking: "Don't just stand there Doctor, get me Provenge ."
And now I would say
BIG THANK YOU TO JOEL T. NOWAK- (Malecare’s Director of Advocacy and Advanced Prostate Cancer Programs) WHO CONTINUES TO EDUCATE MEN AND THEIR FAMILY about THIS REVOLUTIONARY AND LIFE CHANGED TREATMENT.He posted 3 videos recently:
Mar 09 2013
Provenge – What Is It, What Does It Do & What Is It’s Cost;
Mar 10 2013
Provenge -Who Qualifies, What is the Process and What to Expect;
Mar 12 2013
A Survival Advantage – Is It Worth It?advancedprostatecancer.net/Post Edited (HOPENEVERDIE) : 3/13/2013 11:20:56 AM (GMT-6)