Hawk, I took a 5 month trip across the country last summer/fall. I was doing rehab with the pills during the trip. Then I met someone special 1000 miles away from home. Having already done the research about
Bimix and/or Trimix, I knew I wanted a Uro that did the first injection in the office. So I called 3 Uros to find out who could do the first injection on the first appointment, because I was leaving the area soon. It was no problem. I had an appointment in a few days and the rest is history. Most Uro's practice ED treatment, so you should not have any concerns about
finding one to help you out.
PeterDisAbelard said...
Use it in a sentence "Sorry m'dear, bit of climacturea there, what? Let me get you a towel."
Yep, been there, said that...