Thank you all so much, for all the input and advice beforehand!! We sooo appreciated it all!!!
We got back home about
2pm today.
His surgery yesterday morning was just a bit over 2 hours. I had been warned by the doctor to expect his head to be 'big', from being in the angled position - but it looked exactly the same to me afterwards!
Between the doctor being done and recovery room time was 2 hours. He was taken to his regular room about
noon, and wasn't fully alert
/awake til about
He was in quite a bit of pain after, and still is to a bit lessor degree. He thinks he also had a pulled muscle in his upper chest going on, but I'm wondering if it was gas pains... He was sent home with a prescript
ion motrin like pain pills, and antibiotics to begin the day before getting the cath out.
He got the JP drain removed about
noon today, and has a huge awful bruise around that area. No bruising at any of the other incision sites though. Those were sealed with glue! He can begin showering tomorrow.
So far not a bit of scrotum swelling/bruising, or any penile shrinkage.
His doctor said to use triple antibiotic cream around the penis/catheter, when I asked about
lidocaine cream as you all suggested, he said just use the triple antibiotic as ease in movement (being 'greased') of the cath sliding in and out the bit it does was the biggie. When he keeps it 'greased', there's not been any complaints of pain.
And - a biggie for hubby - with the exception of jello and coffee right after being fully awake - he got to eat whatever whenever he wanted! So he had a full regular dinner last night, breakfast and lunch today so far!
They also started him on stool softners this morning, which he'll of course, continue.
The doctor said the 'next hurdle' is getting the path report back... But that'll be back in one week. He also took out some lymph nodes as I requested. Then cath out on the 25th!
One extra thing I got was alcohol wipes, they come in a roll like lysol wipes, for wiping off the cath when emptying or changing bags.
Thank you all again, so much!!!