In the November 9th, 1895 issue of Punch magazine there was a cartoon drawn by George du Maurier. It shows a Bishop and a Curate sitting at a dinner party among other guests, eating and and conversing. The caption reads --
Bishop: "I'm afraid you've got a bad egg, Mr Jones."
Curate: "Oh, no, my Lord, I assure you that parts of it are excellent!"Bearing that in mind I'd like to rise in defense of several sentences from your comment (which went rather badly off into the weeds after that.)
You said...
A forum for the sick and dying that disallows spirituality is grotesque and takes away the last hope of those involved. It matters not the good that is done in such an environment. Flavored poison ultimately kills.
That's an interesting statement and, I think, has a good degree of truth to it. The prostate cancer forum is
open to anyone who has been affected by prostate cancer, directly or indirectly, particularly anyone who needs support or can offer it. That includes people of faith who, I think, constitute a fair part of our membership. On the other hand there is rule six which, as I read it, forbids "posts of an overtly religious nature". Clearly there is a tension between the goals and it is the job of the moderators to draw lines.
If one takes a hard line on rule six and religion one risks driving away some of the people who most need our help. We have threads here from time to time that consist mostly of amazingly brave women supporting one another while the men they love slowly slip inexorably beyond the reach of medical science. It is an act of courage for me simply to click into those threads. They are inspiring to read but also painful. Rule six still applies -- if I think "members" have wandered in for the express purpose of exploiting others vulnerability to try to proselytize, I will run them off -- but if people start to queue up to offer wishes and prayer I will join in. I may have by doubts about
the efficacy of prayer, and especially about
the "To Whom it may concern" prayers of a crusty old agnostic, but that is not the right venue to talk about
my personal doubts. If I think a promise of "prayers" will help more than "wishes" or "thoughts" then prayers it is.