Posted 5/9/2013 3:13 PM (GMT -5)
To add to what JNF said, I have found that medical oncologists specializing in PC approach the disease from a biological perspective; that means they first look at the biology of the cancer, it's growth rate and its aggressiveness and make treatment recommendations based on that. Both radiologists and urologists approach the disease from a mechanical perspective and use mechanical means to address the cancer.
There are only about 100 medical oncologists specializing in prostate cancer in the US so they are a rare breed and you have to search to find them. In the appendix of "Invasion of the Prostate Snatchers" by Dr Mark Scholz, a medical oncologist specializing in PC there is a list of all the prostate oncologists in the US and their contact information.
If you read books by Dr Scholz, Dr Myers and DR Strum all medical oncologists and then read books by Drs Walsh and Scardino, urological surgeons specializing in PC or Dr Dattoli, a radiation oncologist you can see the significant differences in how each speciality approaches this disease.
It is also unique in prostate cancer that urologists, surgeons by trade, diagnose recommend and treat PC. In all other cancers a medical oncologist does the DX and treatment recommendations and uses surgeons or radiologists as part of the treatment team with the medical oncologist being the team leader and calling the shots.