Posted 6/5/2013 11:53 PM (GMT -5)
Bjnemo, my husband had 8 treatments of taxotere, every three weeks on a Thursday, He started on July 26th and ended on December 20th, with one Neulasta injection after first chemo treatment. The day before the first chemo treatment he had a bone biopsy and had a "Power Port" inserted for the chemo treatments. He was prescribed Compazine 10 mg and Zofram 8 mg, these were for the possibility of nausea and vomiting SE, along with a low dose of Prednisone 5 mg.
I knew in advance of the possible side effects nausea & vomiting), so I started him on the Compazine the day before treatment, I gave this to him twice a day, and for the additional three days after treatment. (Later the doctor said that I over treated him, well, he was never nauseous or vomited, so I am glad that I "over treated him"). The possibility of constipation was a SE (not much) but we used MiraLAX, a cap full mixed with a tiny bit of orange juice did the trick for the constipation. No SE effects for about the first two to three treatments, then the fatigue set in and the dozing on and off, hair loss (not all, but it really got thin), appetite was marginal. So I fixed everything he liked, after awhile he had a metal taste and food didn't taste good, constantly having that metal after taste made eating not enjoyable. Chocolate masked it somewhat and lemons, he would eat lemons, the citrus made his mouth bleed once. No weight loss, to speak off, but fatigue was very much a part of his everyday life. He still gets "wore out" by the afternoon and is "shot" for the day. Goes to bed early 8:30 or earlier sometimes. He is on Xtandi now and has been since January, PSA is up a little up from April (12.71), his latest in May was 13.41.
If you have read any of my postings, we have been on this journey since 1999 and God has been good and providing us a path, not one we would have liked and the road is a little "bumpy" at times, but we are still able to travel it. We have had every type of treatment available, Lupron, Trelstar (both hormone type injections), casodex, radiation, Provenge, Xgeva (monthly bone strengthening injections ), chemo and now Xtandi. Other options are still coming down "the pipes" and treatments are even combining the Xtandi and Zytiga to combat the tumor growth.
Husbands CT scans have lesions in the lungs and kidneys, so that is where the cancer will go next, just don't know how long it will take it to get to those organs, but we are living each day by day. My main concern as a caregiver, is that I do not want to see him suffer, he has always been a strong and vibrate man and I will not let this disease take "him down" without a fight, I will not let him lose his dignity while suffering with this disease either. We will "stay the course", however and wherever it takes us.
We currently have our house up for sale and will be moving closer to one of our children, for support when the "road" gets a little tougher....and want to do that while he is still mobile enough to make decisions. He, as other folks said, on this thread, looks well, you wouldn't know he has Stage 4 Cancer, he looks great on outside (his bone scans light up almost his whole body), by the way, his hair is back and as someone else said, it's really curly on one side. When he went for a haircut, the first one in about six months, the barber said those were "chemo curls"....
Didn't mean to go on and on, but this is where I can vent and make myself also understand this disease and how to deal with it's progression on my husband's body and on our relationship. This is a good forum to help understand and to deal with this disease and to know what to expect next, because so many of us are going down these same paths together.
Canuck77: seed implants, why not surgery?
Tim: great article and it was in the NY Times....
smo1; we sound so much alike on our paths....
davidg: your PSA results are great! I realize you all had a hard time digesting the "C" word.
Passages: hope your doing better
Purgatory: keep "the faith"
Jitters99: how's it going with you and hubby? Still having a lot of visitation?
Good night and hugs to all....