Started as a trading post clerk at a scout camp.
At 14 learned my first computer programming language, and the next year got a job programming what would become personal computers. There wasn't much work, so I learned to clean, repair, and reassemble typewriters and adding machines.
Went back to being a store clerk, then off to college, where I worked part time programming for IBM and some companies that are gone now. Got a degree (there were no computer science degrees back then unless you were a math freak, I'm not), then back to programming. Learned drafting and trained as a sheet-metal apprentice, since I needed that more than programming at my job.
Couple of years in public service/ part time programming, then back to the full time computer business, where I still am (can't say where at this point) 36 years, 82 countries, and a few dozen companies later. This fall I will have racked up 46 years in the computer business, and still have 5 more to go to get to Medicare.
And I write books & transcribe old county records of genealogical interest.
Least pay and hardest job is keeping the peace here.