Welcome to Healing Well Max!
Try to post your numbers in your signature so we can get to know you better. Ex. PSA before, after, Gleason score, some of your path report. Look at mine and some of the others to see what we list.
I was put on Viagra 72 hours after the catheter was removed and the erection pump 4 weeks later to get blood flowing to "that region" again not necessarily for sex right away. The nerves have to "wake up" again. Did you have any ED rehab after surgery? The fact that you can have orgasms is a good sign. Some times the new normal is a big change for us. Some times showing intimacy with our partner is different than before surgery. Could be because of your previous surgeries, you are healing slower.
Are you discussing this with your uro? It will get better. I am still not continent 10 months post-op, you were.
Bill from Florida