Zoladex is a similar drug to Lupron. It is a gonadotropin releasing hormone superagonist (GnRH agonist). In small doses it increases the production of Teststerone. In large doses it initially increases it and then shuts it down almost completely. That initial increase is the testosterone "flare" your oncologist is worried about
. Degralix is a GnRH antagonist. It works the opposite way to do the same thing. It suppresses the production of Testosterone directly and does not have any initial opposite reaction.
We have a couple of guys here who have had an orchiectomy. You might want to compare notes with them before you pull the trigger on that. The Degralix will wear off eventually (probably) when you stop it but orchiectomy is kinda permanent. I think ralfinaz may have written about
them. He has an email address in his