Posted 10/31/2013 12:11 PM (GMT -5)
Hi again David. Please keep in mind what others have said, that with your statistics, you do have time - time to learn about PCa and the various treatment options - so don't panic!
As I mentioned in my earlier post here, you need to focus on learning. You mentioned that "I can't even concentrate at work. I've read articles till I'm dizzy...." Yep, when I was at your point in my journey I encountered the "paralysis by analysis" syndrome as I was spending several hours a day doing all of the research and reading as much as I could - but that's o.k. as it will put you in a better place in terms of deciding your choice of treatment.
You also mentioned in an earlier post that your wife was at the book store shopping for you - I hope that Dr. Patrick Walsh's "Guide to Surviving Prostate Cancer" and Strum and Scholz' "Invasion of the Prostate Snatchers" are two that she picked up - for me I found the two of them incredibly helpful during that part of my journey.
So you're meeting with a urologist today - I would encourage you to seek out and find an experienced oncologist, someone that is hugely knowledgeable about prostate cancer. From there if it were me I would be looking to talk to and if possible meet with as many of the medical experts in the different treatment approaches as you can. If travel to meet with "The Best" is not an option for you, then go down the path of phone consultations. Another member here AViking (and I'm sure there have been others) has had multiple phone conversations with Grimm, Scholz, and others. I also personally reached out and talked to professionals such as Dr. Jeffrey DeManes (HDR BT), Dr. Mani Menon (Surgeon) and Dr. Brian Moran (LDR BT) - and others, that are among "The Best."
FWIW, at my young age and excellent health, and with no symptoms or issues - while curing the cancer was / is my top priority, I'll be brutally honest with you here and say that preserving my quality of life ran a very close 2nd. Be aware of this by doing your research and getting these statistics from the practitioners/treatment modalities you may be considering going with. You only get one shot at this - one of the most important decisions we're likely to make in our lives.
As part of my journey to learn about the various treatment options I downloaded, purchased, and copied a number of studies and results that I would also be happy to share with you, so again if you are interested shoot an e-mail my way and I'll reply right away.
We are all out here to help - my very best wishes to you in this journey.