What we must remember about
cancer and many don't realise is it is "us" gone wrong. While many diseases are curable a disease such as cancer has different basics. Think, if you will, of your body as an intelligent machine who programming has gone wrong. Rather than cells dividing and replicating in a specified way that instructs them to do a certain job, remain in a certain place and then dying and being replaced by new like minded cells, the basic instruction goes wrong. Up pops a newly divided cell who is now immortal and whose programming does not now include the "do this job, stay where you are". The new cell divides, often faster than the correct program instructs, it does not die as it should and it now has the ability to wander. Some of these cells do wander and set up new bases. In the case of prostate cancer a patient with metastatic disease now has what is essentially a new, corrupted prostate growing in their bones or their liver or their lungs or their brain. The cancer does not actually kill, because it is your tissue, a part of what makes you, you. What it does do is disrupt the function of the organs it invades making them unworkable (imagine a new prostate growing in your brain ----- your brain's function becomes unworkable) and that is how it kills.
Therein lies the great difficulty in finding a cure. Catch a bug or parasite ----- it is fairly easy to find a drug that will kill the bug or parasite in you but not damage the host and a cure is effected. But to kill off a part of you while not killing all of you --- that is the problem with cancer.
But I have no doubt that a cure will be found. Undoubtably there are proteins, enzymes or whatever that will be specific to a cell gone wrong and that is what will be targeted. Nail those cells only and you are cured. Cancer occurs in all animals and peoples, whether they are exposed to toxins or not. The operating program of life just simply developed a very serious flaw.
It is also worthwhile noting that we cannot, as a rule, cure virus caused diseases (Smallpox, HIV, Ebola, viral Meningitis, etc etc------ we can prevent catching them via immunisation but if a person has no previous immunity the virus based disease will run its course till the body's T cells build up enough to kill off the invader. This however is often too little and late to save the victim.
Post Edited (BillyMac) : 10/24/2013 4:53:04 PM (GMT-6)