142 said...
The gout kicked in a couple of years before the PCa, but had been just a periodic annoyance until about 6 months ago. There was a certain amount of concern by the doc who did my last bone scan. He noted the problems in the foot and hand, but attributed them to age degeneration rather than PCa on the report, saying that mets rarely go to the extremities. It was the change from periodic annoyance to pain late in the day, every day, that got my attention. He was more focused on the spinal mets.
We discussed possible meds, so getting ready for yet another daily pill.
I was already alternating the pom and cherry juices out of general principle ...
142, listen to that 142 guy. He really knows his stuff and made the point I was about
to make about
PCa rarely extending that far into the extremities.
You had mentioned at GFMPH Rochester how severe the pain was, but glad you were able to bite the bullet and make the trip.