Hey my best pain buddy around, (((hugs))) I'm sorry that your elbow took a hurtful shot today. I hated to read in your reply on my thread that you've been having so much pain. It's just not fair that you're having so many painfully severe days. Why it's happening to both of us, who knows. I just wanted you to know that I've been praying for you and hope that you can get back to your "normal" pain days.
I sure hope that you get your walker tomorrow (oops today LOL). I'm certain that once you have it and start using it you'll be very happy that you put the pride to the side and started using one. I read in a post that you're baking pies for Thanksgiving, that sure sounds yummy, I'll take the Cherry please.
You asked about
my schedule and possibly calling me, well I'll be here at home most of today until at least like noon or so. My dear friend Vickie baked me a pumpkin pie and I'll have to pick it up tomorrow. Hubby, informed me that he's not going to make Thanksgiving dinner this year, said we'll go out to eat. Daughter, is refusing to go out to eat and only wants mashed potatoes and gravy with crescent rolls. Needless to say, it's not feeling much like Thanksgiving for me. With both my parents gone now and my siblings acting like butt heads, well I'd rather not even get up on Thursday. Vickie knew all of this, so she planned this pie as a special treat for me.
Anyway, I normally get up with hubby at 6:30am, I might lay back down as it's 1:05 am now. I would be up out of bed by 9am if you'd like to call them that would be fine, like I said I'll be here at least until noon and then I'd be home after 3:30 I'm guessing.
I hope that you're sleeping right now and not having a severe pain attack. I hope that you get your PSA results today and that they've not risen to high, and I hope that you get your walker too. Have a good day and if you'll feel up to calling give me a ring. Otherwise, we can shoot for next week for sure.