In my part of the world it's been a great success--thanks to Casey for getting it going! I applaud the efforts of all members to assist others and provide needed advice from our experts such as "Tall Allen" and others. We have many advocates such as RalphV, Tony, Casey, Jerry L, and Dave/Purg (sorry about
the botched football game) that are trying to bring "awareness" to the public.
Many (not all) of our members had their PCa detected initially by a "screening" test which is no longer recommended by a Federal Task Force, predictably by the VA, and other associations and hospitals. In lieu of an ad by my AUA hospital, the marketing director called me Friday and requested a meeting so that my story can be told in my local Tribune; that's good news.
Please remember that we all agree that better tests are needed but until such time as they are developed
the psa and dre tests are the only detection means available. I personally would like to thank YOOP and others who have helped organize screening events in "paying it forward". A small portion of my news article is provided below that best sums up my beliefs:
"I find it morally repugnant to have any man diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer due to a lack of screening that could have detected the disease at a lesser, potentially cureable stage. In particular, we owe so much to our Vietnam Vets and yet they have 2 times the risk of being diagnosed with PCa and 4 times the risk of being diagnosed with metastatic disease due to Agent Orange exposure. These men deserve a chance to live versus dying a horrible, painful death from Prostate Cancer"