Yes, we,ll get together when the weather warms up and burn some CCI mini-mags, velocitiors, stingers, and I have some Mexican "firecrackers". It's too cold now and at my age all my cousins are dying
Logo and I are almost the last of JFK's Camelot generation and tend to question studies and "evidence based science". My first reaction is whose evidence and whose science; I still remember nuclear fuel rods in Iraq.
Of course, I disagree with Logo since a prostate is pretty small and if a "good" surgeon can't preserve at least 1 nerve on a common basis then he's in the wrong profession. My uro told me that they wouldn't even attempt ns and that I would be incontinent life long; that's when I bolted. Anyway, Logo has presented some interesting information and I'm conflicted regarding the study. If the same doctor did all the procedures then I would tend to agree with the conclusion; if not then it's invalid due to the varying degree of surgeon's skill. Just my thoughts! Have a Merry Xmas!