I am totally impressed by your vast knowledge on this topic and all the links that you provide. Hubbie and I are science research types so like to have tons and tons of information, even if it makes it that much harder to decide what to do. I will definitely chase down the the BC Cancer Agency's study that you mentioned.
Hopefully, the RO won't mind too much but I can always just say that "Tall Allen" on the Internet told us so
From what I have read, it looks like it is the weight gain from taking the HT that seems to be a major contributing factor, especially around the belly. As we happen to know an awful lot more about
heart disease than we do about
PCa, at least, we will be able to keep on top of that issue.
Dr. Myers, on his blog, does say that Lipitor is bad when taking certain HT drugs and suggests switching to Crestor (as it acts differently on the body than Lipitor).