Hello all,
First post. I finished my final provenge treatment on January 20th. I would like know how you can tell if it is working? Have any of you had it and it be successful?
I am sure this question has been asked before but I do not know how to search the forum.
I was diagnosed November 2010. Gleason score of 4 + 5. PSA of 2.1.
I had a radical prostectomy January 2011 with complications, bowel blockage and torn bladder, both required surgery. Doctor had a good reputation but I was the one he screwed up on.
Put on Lupron and Casodex. Lupron caused severe depression so taken off. PSA at .05
Remained on Casodex until November 2012. PSA rose to 4.0. Urologist took me off Casodex for a month thinking Casodex causing a false reading.
January 2013, PSA rose to 45.3. Test week later was 48.6.
Placed back on Lupron and Casodex. Tolerated Lupron better due to medication for bi-polar. PSA fell to 1.2.
September rose to 2.1, October 4.5, November 8.6, December 13.6.
Started Provenge treatments December 24th.
Now its a waiting game to see if it works.