Posted 3/3/2014 1:21 AM (GMT -5)
Ms. Good suggestions, most I have used for years. This all stemmed from the head/throat radiation I had back in 2000, old school - unguided. Did a lot of damage. Over the years, most of the teeth that broke were on the left side ,uppers and lowers - that's the side that took 3/4 of the radiation. Now the right side is catching up.
For 14 years, I have a constant thirst that's never satisfied. At night, I go through half liter or more of water, every time I wake up, which is often, I have to have something to sip on, as my mouth and throat are so dry.
I've used the prescription meds over the years, and unfortunately, they didn't help much.
142 - I have used those tooth pastes for a long time.
Andrew - thanks, as usual
Less than 9 hours away from meeting the spine doctor. hope and pray he's pin pointe something, anything, I don't care how good or bad, as long as it can be defined. Will take the worse bad news, over no news. Talked to my wife about this just this evening. I am afraid I will lose it, and go over the deep end, if the two doctors I meet with the next 2 days come up empty handed.
This weekend was one of the most painful I have dealt with in the past 4 years. Even with all my meds, there were few moments that I wasn't dealing with steady 7-8 pain levels, even while trying to lie down and rest. Sick of living this way. My only crime today? Went to church this morning, and I had to help greet people, work the collection, etc. Nothing physical, nothing hard. But the extra standing time threw me off the cliff pain wise. Tried to take 3 naps this afternoon, none of them lasted but minutes, because the pain was so bad from the center of my back, all the way down into the heels of my feet. Feels like someone has driven nails into my heels, and my legs felt like they were being compressed tightly from my hips down. No way to relax enough to sleep when you are feeling like that.
It's incredible to me, how what started out as a "simple" PC event, has turned into 5 plus years of hell on every level. Almost 4 years of that time have been steeped in constant pain, of one type or the other, yet meanwhile, the cancer busily grows and has a good time in my body.
Sorry, turning into a mini-vent. It's the pain talking. It's almost 130 AM, and I can't rest, can't hardly think anymore.
To Barbara: hope somehow you are having a peaceful night, far away from your pain, in your dreams at least.