Posted 4/3/2014 12:06 PM (GMT -5)
Your words always touch me in particular. My heart still goes out to you, as its been less than a month since Mark lost his battle in the flesh, but gained victory in faith, and no longer suffers in this world. Sure you have so many wonderful memories to hold onto.
My wife is slowly breaking down after watching what I have gone through the past 5 plus years. As a nurse, she sees those suffering and dying on a daily basis. She sees what it does to family members. While she's a tough bird at work, she has to come home and see and deal with what I suffer through, and she's frustrated, because she knows there is nothing she can physically do to make me feel better.
Of course, her being there for me is more than enough to keep my going. But when she witnesses me in the midst of a major pain episode (like yesterday and today ongoing), she just doesn't know what to say or what to do. It's hard to ignore what she witnesses and hears. And trust me, I don't tell her half of what I am feeling.
But being married to someone for 40 years (will be this Sunday, April 6), you can't hide much from one another. She can tell from my eyes alone, if I am fighting deep pain.
I feel the fight is slowly being zapped out of me as well. There's only so much "tough guy" stuff a guy can pull off. There are many times I am close to screaming, or simply crying, but I refuse to give in, to the best of my ability. If there was only some glimmer of hope, that I might get better, or even if I believed I could get better, it would help. But it does not seem to be the case.
For men that do lose the good battle with PC, the physical suffering part is generally short lived, toward the end, and its great that is commonly the case. I am coming quickly up on the 4 year mark of dealing with serious level chronic pain. One can only take so much. It will get to the best of one's spirit.
If it weren't for the love of my wife and family, and for my rock hard faith, I would have called it quits a long time ago. Though the thought of suffering like this for "x" amount of time, or even years ahead, is almost more than I can bare most days.
It's unlikely that I will even be able to attend my youngest son's wedding in San Francisco later this year. There is no way I could physically handle a 12-16 hour travel day. Even with flying, there are endless layovers on a flight that long, plus being confined to one narrow seat for hours, and not being able to lay down and nap when needed, as of now, it's impossible for me to consider.
My last car trip to Charleston to see my daughter was way too much for me. It took 4 hours in a car, and by the time you add up all the walking and standing I had to do while there, and then turn around and do another 4 hour trip, it took me nearly a full week to get back to "normal". And trust me, "normal" is bad enough. I may not make the trip again this year, just the thought of it bothers me.
Today I am paying for what I did yesterday. My crime: I mowed the yard for the first time since winter. And yes, using a yard tractor, but even that pounds the fool out of my back and joints. Then I had to carry a 20 lb. pound propane tank up a flight of stairs, and carry another full one back down the steps (long story). It's easy to say, oh, you shouldn't do stuff like that. But I don't have easily available help handy to help me with the hard parts. It's mind over body with me most days, and I am strong willed, and force my body to keep doing things I shouldn't.
So today, I am with severe back, legs, hip, and feet pain. But at least the yard is mowed.
My mind still thinks I am ok, thinks I am physically strong and able, but my body betrays me every day of my life.
Meanwhile, I keep losing rapid weight, and still puzzled why not a single doctor of mine shows any serious concern. I have lost 4.5 lbs. just the past 3 days alone, and yet I am eating. That's over a pound of day. Have now lost over 32 lbs. since the first of January. If anything, the loss is picking up speed, as I ate 3 meals yesterday and still lost 1.5 lbs. over night.