Posted 4/14/2014 10:16 AM (GMT -5)
squirm - yes. I don't post every med that I have been on or tried. there's not a major nerve med that I haven't been on at one time or the other. I tend to be sensitive to most meds in general. on the pain meds, my body is well acclimated to them after 4 years. i.e., with all the fentanyl I am on and the Lortab/Norco, I never ever get constipated. not even after years of use. I go fine on my own every day naturally. I do take a single stool softener every morning, just to keep it that way. but other meds, if there is a side effect, it will have my name on it. my oncologist still forbids me to take advil, even though I get a different kind of relief via advil. I do, however, sneak a few here and there when the regular meds aren't enough to shake the pain.
Sephie, all good ideas. but I don't want any more attention brought to me in church than I am already am. Bad enough I have to fumble with a cane the entire time. Space is too tight (small church) to try to use the big walker I have, it doesn't fold easily and its heavy to boot. in the market for a smaller one.
all the doctors I have seen 100% I am the result of extreme radiation damage, that's the one thing they will agree on. On the Neurontin, I stayed on it long enough to see if it would help, it didn't. It left me nauseated 24/7, disturbed my already disturbed sleep, etc.
Sometimes, and I have mentioned this many times here, there are no easy answer for what ails a person. my situation is very baffling and complex, mostly because the damage done to me, is not able to be detected on any scans that exist these days.
I don't know why none of the doctors will consider "fibro" as a possible dx, or at least think that perhaps what happened to me triggered it. When I read all the symptoms of it, it seems like the perfect fit.
With all the severe pain, the way pain can migrate around the body, different places on different days, etc.
A good example (bear in mind, I have perm. pain points that never vary, like my hips), is one day recently I was in severe pain from hips to knees, both side. Yet 2 day later, the pain was in the knees to my ankles. Or severe shoulder pain one day, but the next day, severe pain in upper arms, but not the shoulders, then the next day, from my elbows to my wrists. You can see from this, there is a bizzare pattern of how the pain moves around.
Lately, its been so bad between shoulder blades working toward my lower back. And its a solid 8-9 on the pain scale, where even stand up straight is unbearable. Yet the MRI's on my spine, extensive ones done, only showed up minimal aging damage. Of course spine doctor t hought he had an easy victim to do back surgery, but all the other doctors looked at the same scans, and said it wasn't worth the risk to have it done.
Never an easy answer, or solution, just a lot of frustration, and more pain than any one should have to bear, let alone coming up on the 4 year mark. Don't know how much more anyone expects me to endure.