I was on Xtandi in the Summer of 2013 - but just for two months. After 30-weeks on Taxotere in 2012/2013 with a PSA dropping significantly - Xtandi was the next suggested option.
Unfortunately, the PSA rose significantly from May thru September of 2013 with 2-months of Xtandi + 3-months of "wait and see"!
It certainly has helped others ... just not me! Am on another "wait and see" after 8-treatments of Jevtana - with a 82% reduction in PSA.
However, I meet with my Onco today ... get blood tests and Xgeva shot. And by tomorrow whould find out what has now happened with my PSA after an 8-week period of no chemo!
More "pins and needles"!!!!
Peace and wellness
Rob & Gizmo