Hi. I was going to go on commenting on the Surgery Tomorrow thread I started but, thought it would be fitting to start anew, even if with yesterday's news.
My loved one Stix is recovering from rp today. I'm calling him invisible man because I have not seen or talked with him since a couple of days before his procedure. After some indecision about
going to the hospital (reasons shared on thread mentioned above) followed by a good night's sleep, I set out for the hospital not knowing if I'd find him or whether he would be glad if I did.
Why? Selfishly, I did not want to wait for him to surface and tell me he survived. All I've learned about
this common procedure from other sources and the great folks here on HW has helped me believe he would. On the other hand, all does not always go as intended in the operating room which for me, brought to mind the phrase:
Seein is believin.
Well in this case, hearin. The timing of my arrival at the hospital was just after the rp was completed. It was done with the Da Vinci machine. I was told Stix had just entered recovery and would not be able to have visitors until an hour later. That news meant I would not be able to see him due to my having to be at work (for a non-union employer that frowns heavily on call offs). More importantly though, it meant: he didn't die on the operation table, they were done cutting on him for today and he was peacefully resting.
Since writing the above, I got a call. Oh my gosh, I got a call!!! The voice on the line sounded like a person who’d been in a fight with brawny coal miners, fresh out of the mine and pissed off about
everything they could be pissed off about
but, it also sounded like the man I love. =)
So concludes the short version. This is a great place to disembark if you have things to do like taking care of yourself or a loved one or anything other than reading the rather lengthy report to follow.
That said, here we go. Its Friday morning. Yesterday was the kind of day that didn’t leave much at the end for completing and posting this update. I was worn out. Getting to the store (two stores since the first didn’t have black licorice - one of his favorite things) and to the hospital before work meant waking up a few hours earlier than usual. For me, that made a 12 hour day a 19 hour one. Well worth it of course but it was an interesting layer to a day involving a power outage at work and a significant uptick/ change in workload as a result.
I think I’ll be getting a write up about
a tie. I work at a really nice place for a contract company that is... nice in the sense that they pay on time. Not so nice in the sense of policies and management turnover rate. I’m working for the 4th set of managers in 4 years. One of the current crew is a nice person who asked me to sign a nice piece of paper stating “the only excused reason for being absent is there being a death in the family” for taking a day off when I was sick. Another of them is a nice person who I never interact with except when he demonstrates his uncanny ability to know when I don’t have my tie on.
I wanted to be at my loved one’s side. Not hearing about
an ****ing tie. Last time Stix was over was the last time he will make love pre rp. Wow. At the time of the tie inquiry, I was still wondering how he was doing. Funny how hearing he was in recovery was both a relief and a new concern at the same time. Recovery doesn’t end with him leaving the hospital. He’ll be in it until... Wow again. I still hadn’t seen or talked with him so I didn’t know how he was faring. Before leaving the hospital, I left a care package including a card I thought he’d find funny, a zine from my collection titled I Love Bad Movies (that he picked up on our last visit but did not have a chance to read) and his licorice. A kind nurse shook my hand and said she would make sure he got it.
Hours went by. Still nothing. I was steeling myself for the likelihood of my having to go several days before I did. Normally a mostly solitary experience, work involved my office (unaffected by the power outage) being turned into a command center with all kinds of people doing and needing all kinds of things, non-stop, all day thru late night. Towards the end of my shift, I was still consumed with my normal days work when I noticed my personal phone ringing and the name of the person calling me. Taking that call while still on duty was another write up-able policy violation. No way in hell I was not going to. What I heard when I did was music to my ears: Hi.
Stix sounded different, hoarse, worn out and faintly like himself all at once. He also sounded happy and concerned about
my being at the hospital. He asked how I was doing, how I knew to bring the licorice and whether I saw him while he was still under. He described the experience of waking up as violent: feeling like he was being pummelled, shocked and blinded at the same time. The process caused his IV and other things to be ripped out. He mentioned an injury to his esophagus. Some of what he was saying was unclear and as much as I am a stickler for details, I just couldn’t ask him to repeat himself. He lives and he’s communicating. I’ll take it.
Having known people in his family and professional life to succumb to prescript
ion drug abuse following medical procedures, Stix was very concerned about
what he’d be on. So much so, he mentioned not taking anything at all for the pain. That part of his call was hard for me to hear but I gathered whatever he is being given/ agreed to take, is at the lowest dose possible. We talked for a short while until his nurses were approaching to discuss his vitals. He is anxious to speak with his doctor. That is supposed to happening this morning. I hope he will receive some encouraging news to share with me when he’s up to it. Visiting hours falls right within my commute and work schedule for today. The chorus of my friends urging me to find a new job has never resounded so loudly. I so wish I was earning a living in a way that allowed me to be with my loved one without earning disciplinary action.
Many thanks to any and all who have read this. Having a place to download what’s in my head is doing wonders for keeping me in a positive state of mind. I have quite the schedule ahead of me over the next few days and may only have time to read any responses. Thank you in advance for those. I hope you and your loved ones are having a good day. I will write again when I can.