Hi kukukajoo,
If you already know that it has metastasized, that changes your options. But it depends where it has metastasized to, and you won't know that until the bone scan.
One option to be discussed is whether to go ahead and remove the prostate anyway. This is called "de-bulking." It is not curative with metastatic disease, but it may slow it down somewhat, and will probably relieve the urinary retention he is suffering from. On the other hand, it carries its own risks of urinary incontinence, ED, etc. It sounds like you may be into research, so here's the study:
Might Men Diagnosed with Metastatic Prostate Cancer Benefit from Definitive Treatment of the Primary Tumor?If it is locoregionally contained (all in the pelvic area), combination brachytherapy and external beam radiation to the whole pelvis
may be curative. Radiotherapy Clinics of Georgia in Atlanta is known for this kind of therapy. However, with a 79 cc prostate and urinary retention, he is not a good candidate for LDR brachytherapy. Sometimes they give hormone therapy first for several months to shrink the prostate, but even so, with that large a tumor mass, the chances of high grade urinary retention would be very high. HDR brachy can be done even on large prostates, but again, urinary retention may be an issue. Sometimes they can fix it with a TURP. This starts to get very complicated.
Recently it has been discovered that starting Taxotere (a kind of chemo) together with ADT (hormone therapy) increases survival with metastatic disease. You can read about
it here:
increased survival in men with metastatic prostate cancer who receive chemotherapy when starting hormone therapyThe Gleason 8 vs 9 doesn't matter so much (all Gleason scores 8-10 are "high risk"), but Epstein's trained eye may be able to identify if there are any unusual kinds of prostate cancer (e.g., neuroendocrine) that may warrant special treatment.
The only tertiary care center I'm aware of in the Atlanta area would be at Emory University. I'm afraid I don't know the doctors there.
- Allen