MsWorryWart said...
I had hoped we could be there.
Instead, we'll be at the University of New Mexico Cancer Center from the 4th through the 10th and flying into LAX that evening for our appointment on with Turner the next day.
Just couldn't get the schedule to work out....
But, we do fly home on the 13th... in time to wash our clothes and get ready to fly out for GFMPH!
It's gonna be a busy month. And an anxious one...
I am glad we will see one another in Rochester.
I have you sandwiched in LA
I am there from Sept 4 to Sept 7
You are there Sept 10 - 13
I am back there Sept 19-22
There seem to be quite a few from going to PCRI and we are getting together for lunch on Friday.
If any HW attendees want to join us for Friday lunch, please send me an email.
There are also a couple of educational free breakfases Sat & Sun but if you are going, have to email Tom to RSVP
Got an email from Jan Manarite that there are a couple of free educational breakfasts Sat & Sunday
Two free breakfasts with an educational message.
Attend both, or choose just one. Pre-Registration Required.
1) Saturday 6:45am-7:45am
Free Breakfast -
Registration Required
Email Tom at
Learn More about
Saturday, Sept 6th, at PCRI Conference
Sponsored by Bayer
Bayer will be hosting a breakfast on Saturday Morning of the 2014 PCRI Conference. The speaker will be radiation oncologist and Bayer Senior Medical Director, Dr Michael Tomblyn. This session is intended to help patients understand more about
prostate cancer that has spread to the bones, and if Xofigo (radium 223 dichloride) might be an option for you. It will help you develop better questions for your physicians, and engage in better conversation about
the treatment. PCRI's Jan Manarite will introduce Dr Tomblyn.
Seating limited - Register Now
Email Tom at
2) Sunday 6:45am-7:45am
Free Breakfast -
Registration Required
Email Tom at
Learn More about
Sunday, Sept 7th, at PCRI Conference
Sponsored by Dendreon
Dendreon will be hosting a breakfast on Sunday Morning of the 2014 PCRI Conference. The speaker will be medical oncologist, Dr. Jeff Turner from Prostate Oncology Specialists. This session is part of Dendreon's patient education program called PROPEL: PROvenge Patient Educational Lecture. Dr. Turner will be speaking on the important topic of 'How PROvenge Can Jumpstart Your Immune System to Attack Your Advanced Prostate Cancer'. Don't miss out on this opportunity for free catered food and an informative talk from an oncologist who works with Dr Scholz, and specializes in prostate cancer.
Seating limited - Register Now
Email Tom at
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Prostate Cancer Research Institute
5777 West Century Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA
Suite 800
Los Angeles, CA 90045
Lupron Jim