Posted 6/17/2014 9:22 PM (GMT -5)
Hey Turner,
Good to hear there was liftoff on the sample inject.
However, Docs seldom have trimix hanging around for sample injections (due to shelf life, cost or whatever). Usually the only samples a Doc might have are just pure Alprostadil solution (either from the Docs private vial), or sometimes from a Edex or Caverject system. With trimix, the doc almost always will give you the script first and then you come back with the filled prescription and he then does the First shot. Docs will sometimes use a plain Alprostadil injection just to gauge your reaction to the main trimix ingredient so that is another explanation. Or you just have a really nice Doc who bought his own prescription of Trimix for you to try.
You'll find out soon enough I guess when you pick it up.