I have the same dummy AUS on a ring with the cards like you. It must come from AMS. I took it with me to the Emergency Room to show them how to de-activate it so I could pee.
The dummy and the prop the doctor has in his examining room
open much easier than the real thing. I think that is what messed me up. I thought you just gave it a little squeeze and it
opened the cuff.
My uro took plenty of time to show me. Before I was activated,
I did the typical "pee in a cup" routine you do at the urologist office so my bladder was empty when he activated me. Then we spent 15 minutes
opening the cuff and letting it recycle and close before squeezing again. After three cycles I felt comfortable with it to walk out of the office on my own.
Even today, sometimes I don't
open it all the way and I dribble out pee. When that happens, I squeeze it again a little harder and the stream becomes stronger since the cuff
opens all the way.
I sure don't want what happened to me happen to you, brother.
Give it a good hard squeeze or a couple of squeezes. You will feel the ballon kind of pop and the fluid move to
open the cuff. When you feel that, you are good to go.
My uro said to hold the tubes coming out of the controller with one hand to stabilize the controller, then with the other hand, move down to the bottom of the controller away from the tubes and squeeze to
open the cuff. I am sure with time we'll be able to do it with one hand like Neo and the others. I have found that the controller does float around some so you need to find the "flat" part of the controller not the "side" of the controller to squeeze.
Bill from Florida