Posted 7/14/2014 2:05 PM (GMT -5)
That's a hard question to anwser, no pun intended. It is true that if you have a rock-hard, cold, painful erection that lasts for four hours you should already be in the emergency room when the four hours mark is hit. It's also true that there are adequate but slightly flexible erections that pose no danger no matter how long they last. But its hard to find clear words that tell where the dividing line is.
When I had my first Trimix shot at my doctors office I realized that this would be, maybe my only chance to ask that question where the doctor and I could both have an example to refer to. So, when he came back in the room to see how I was reacting, I asked him how long a guy could sport a beauty like mine before he had to hit the ER. He glanced at it and said, "That won't be a problem no matter how long it lasts." It was reassuring, I guess, but kind of dismissive. I thought I made a decent showing for a man almost 60 years old.
Notice I haven't answered your question. If you are uncertain ask your doctor again. Maybe instead of "rock hard, cold and very painful" he could have meant "Balsa wood hard, cool and rather uncomfortable."