Posted 8/13/2014 2:54 PM (GMT -5)
There are 5 or so recently approved by FDA treatments that all show promise. Each is known by a couple different surnames, but I will label them Xtandi, Zytiga, Xofigo, Provenge, Jetvana etc.
You have already gotten some excellent advice form the first few replies.
While conventional wisdom used to be to avoid chemo as long as possible, the recent result that shows something like a 16 or 18 month survival advantage (while most treatments are about 4 month) brings chemo back in competition with the others to the forefront.
While everybody agrees these 5 new treatments are good, no one can agree what order they should be taken in, nor whether it is best to use them sequentially as Monotherapies, or whether to sue them in combination as "cocktails".
Strong arguments both ways.
So it boils down to what you are most comfortable with, after you research them all.