Welcome to the prostate cancer forum. Sorry your situation brings you to our part of HealingWell but hope we can help.
You might read through our sticky thread at the top of our forum.
Newly diagnosed with PC? – read this thread first.. It has a lot of useful information.
You asked about
the word "lateral" on his biopsy report. I think you are reading too much into it. It just means "side" so left lateral refers to the left side of the prostate, right lateral is the right side, posterior and anterior are the back and front sides. "Lateral" doesn't mean close to the margin. It just tells tells which side the cancer was found. "Bilateral" means "on both sides" and it is mildly bad news -- it is slightly better if the cancer is only on one side or the other, but it's not a big deal.
His cancer all seems to be in the "base" of the prostate. That is usually good in terms of side effects from treatments. The "base" is the big end of the prostate right up next to the bladder. The other end is called the "apex". The apex is jammed in amongst lots of tissues that can cause side effects when damaged while the base has a bit more room. Cancer in the apex has significantly more side effects after surgery than in the base. The side effects of radiation and seeds are also a bit worse with cancer in the apex but not as much. His seems to be all in the base. So that's good.
Not so good is the fact that the pathology report put the four in front of the three in the Gleason score -- 7(4+3) -- since that mean that there are a lot of more-aggressive type-4 cells present which bumps him up a risk category. In the sticky thread it talks about
getting a second opinion on the biopsy slides. That would probably be a good idea since the gleason score will make a big difference in selecting his treatments.