Posted 9/17/2014 1:59 PM (GMT -5)
August 6th I had a Radical Robotic Prostatectomy. Due to a pocket of fluid or a hemotama, my recovery has been slowed some. As of today I am at 6 weeks and feeling pretty well. At five weeks I had a CT Pelvis without contrast to check the size of the pocket or hemotama in my pelvic area. As I read my results of the CT they list seeing two small sclerotic lessions in the superomedial right iliac bone and left ischial tuberosity. It states these are most likely bone islands though sclerotic metastases from prostate cancer cannot be radiographically excluded. Has anyone had anything similar following RRP? My cancer was caught in the early statges. The biopsy following the surgery said it was believed to have been contained in the prostate. Thank you for any insight. Feeling a little anxious and worried.