Posted 9/25/2014 11:00 PM (GMT -5)
my gleason :was 4+4 =8, cancer was all on one side , and was to be contained my psa was 12 had bone scan,ok then radacial prostatlomy spelling ck not working, cathier 12 days, lasted around 9 mos, then more tests and then 2.5 mos of savage imbl radation good till the last wk then colon started hurting like hell, and around my pelvic area,,that worked for around 9 mos, then failed,then had some special ct bone scans that took 3 days, result heres a good one] have some cancer but to small to see,I guess better than to big,,then started radation had 68 grays,that failed too after some time, then started 2 years of Lupron shots every 4 mos then switched to zoladex 11.2 inplants every 3 mos with a 18 gage needle,, they took me of it 4 mos age, hoping I would get some good time in,,but after3 mos on my last vist my psa and terri levels rose through the roof, go back in 1 more mo with new blood work, they aready have my Lupron ordered, so that's up to date, was very depressed,taking meds for that ,, god bless kenny