Tall Allen is my mentor and I am in the Oligometastatic camp he refers to.
I could have as he said come off Lupron for several months (due to its half life) to make the PCa visible to the F18 bone scans, as I am sure being on Lupron since 3-28-13 continuously is doing some masking.
I chose instead to do the combination of Provenge and 5 fractions of very high dose SBRT (8 Gy each) versus the 7 weeks IMRT totalling 79 - 81 Gy.
My rationale was that even though there is probaby much more cancer that the Lupron is masking, the SBRT would zap it anyway and the combination therapy that my buddy Ray the Steel Guy and others convinced me is better than monotherapy one after another as each fails, leads to what Tall Allen refers to as the absscopal effect.
prostate-cancer.org/abscopal-effect/I think you may have been thinking of Taxotere rather than Provenge as "end of the line". The old conventional wisdom used to be to avoid chemo as long as you could but the study Allen referenced makes that no longer the case, with the 14 month result so much better than all the other remedies that average about
4 months.
That figure though is a median and the results can very greatly. So don't dwell on the metric, other than comparatively. It's also measuring montherapy not combinations.
I see you are in San Jose CA.
I had been there most of Oct 2 - Oct 21 even though I live in FL. My treatments for Provenge were in Van Nuys CA on altrnating Fridays and Marina del Rey CA on alternating Mondays and my 5 SBRT treatments sread over two weeks were by Dr Chris King at UCLA.
I found it cheaper to stay with my son and his family in SJC if I scheduled my SW Air flights early enough @ $69 or $75 etc than to pay LA hotel rates.
I will be there again Halloween weekend but consumed with grand kids swim meats on that short trip.
We'll be there over Christmas too and perhaps during that more extended stay my spouse Karen and I can meet in person with you and your hubby.
Don't know if you frequent the Inspire.com PCa board too.
www.inspire.com/groups/us-too-prostate-cancer/discussion/remote-advanced-cancer-discussion-group/On that baord, Rick Davis screen name Ardeee (his initials) is the Tall Allen resdient guru, a layman whose knowledge matches up well with most PCa doctors. Rick works for UCSF and lives in nearby San Francisco.
So you may want to friend him on the Inspire,com board. My spouse Karen and I got together with Rick, his buddy Jerry who is on chemo, and another Inspire.com poster Nick (Haliday) last June while we were in the area, and may do so again over Christmas holidays. I can facilitate a meeting if you want to join us then.
It's either an hour drive to San Fran or an hour flight to LAX so you have lots of options if it comes to that.