Posted 1/11/2015 9:34 PM (GMT -5)
Hi All,
Progress report at surgery +24 days. I am using 1 heavy pad a day and almost ready to switch to thin pad. No leakage so far today! Although since I went to mass yesterday, this has been a lazy reading, computer, football on TV kind of day. Need to go for a walk. Almost no abdominal pain. Abs feel stronger. Back to work on Thursday, probably working from home for a bit. ED as yet unknown, but encouraging signs. I am on generic Viagra 20mg/day.
Strong Family History of PC
Younger brother: PC at age 45 T2, PSA=2.95, + DRE > open Prost, doing fine now
Father: PC T4, age 55, PSA=20, Met to Lymph Nodes and Bones, Hormone, Rad, passed at age 64
GrandFather, Great Uncles all died of PC at age 62-64
Me: Year of Birth 1959
Diagnosed Oct 2014, Negative DRE, PSA=1, no symptoms, T1c
Biopsy shows 4 of 14 cores(with fragmentation) Adenacarcinoma 5mm, 2mm, 1mm max all G6(3+3)
Preemptive Biopsy due to Family History and age=55
Scheduled RALP 18 Dec with Dr. A. Martinez
Post surgery Pathology:
One positive margin, but additional tissue taken with no cancer in that area.
PNI inside capsule, no extra capsule cancer found
5% of post surgical prostate examined has G6 (3+3), No Upgrading!! Post surgery T2c
Stress and a bit of urgency UI, but only 1-2 spirts and the rest just drops. Almost completely dry at Surgery +24 days.
Willy works - partial erection yesterday with daily 20mg Viagra, those nerves are still there and working even this early!