Posted 3/17/2015 12:27 AM (GMT -5)
thanks beth, trout and jim
kuku, fentanyl is much more powerful, per dose, than morphine, and delivers stronger in the patch, than morphine in pill form. of course, for those in the actual dying phase, as in hospice, morphine via an IV can't be beat for the ultimate pain control.
the VA has a large directory of drugs they will or won't supply, just happens not to include fentanyl. fentanyl patches are very expensive as a rule, compared to morphine, probably has a lot to do with that. without insurance, the patches can run over 800 a month, if prescribed like mine, to switch every 48 hours vs the more standard practice of 72 hours.
when I was on 72 hours, by the third day, I was not getting enough pain killing effect from the residue of the patch, so my dr. quickly changed it to a 48 hour cycle. for me, works better that way. I use the Norco for breakthrough pay through out the day, I have a daily limit which I never ever break or abuse, depends on what level of pain I am fighting, and on what parts of my body the pain migrates to on a given day, that alone can vary quite a bit.
I too, am starting to feel, that despite my current level of PC, its something else that is going on in my body that's more likely to take me out than the actual PC. Thus my quest, to get all this new testing, scans, etc. out of the way, to determine what else is lurking beyond the PC factor.
Wish your husband was doing better, sorry to hear that he too, is dealing with so much pain.