BillyBob –
This topic reminds me of a site which offers what looks like a handy tool for use in discussions such as this one, that is, talking about
an individual's personal PCa stats, his treatment chosen (or not chosen), likely outcomes, etc.
It doesn't specifically answer your question, but I think it does offer data which could be generally useful in answering it.
If you go to
www.yananow.orgclick Please enter here
click Survivor stories
click Click here to view…
and then scroll down to Search box
You get a database of (currently) 837 stories, or personal accounts, of men who have written up and told their own stories of battling PCa. What makes this database really interesting and useful is that it can be searched by any combination of a number of terms, such as G score, PSA at Dx, Age at Dx, Years since Dx, Treatment chosen, and a number of other search limiters, so that the search result is only those men who meet all of the selected search criteria.
I went there and searched "G9" with no other restrictions and got 100 hits. Unfortunately for our current discussion almost all of them had chosen a treatment, but it was still very educational to read their personal accounts of their journeys so far. Incidentally, only 19 of them (19%) were listed as having deceased, so that 81 of them are still with us.
Of course a small database such as this one has its obvious limitations, but it does seem to me useful for what it does.
As noted, it doesn't specifically answer your question, but perhaps it does provide a bit more data to throw into the mix. And again, the stories that some of these men have written make for good reading and are very educational, such as how as G9'ers they went about
selecting their treatment plans.