Well, I've done it. After much back and forth in my own mind and with several friends and relatives, I have opted to have my cancerous prostate removed. I was diagnosed in November 2014 and had been scheduled for a prostatectomy in mid February. I backed out as the date approached. A lot of my friends were saying you can cure cancer with diet. There is data out there to suggest tumors have been reduced by diet but in the end I felt it was just way too risky. And the surgery was my best option for a positive outcome. I'm 51 years old and I could not risk the cancer spreading into other parts of my body.
I've been watching and reading about
all you guys here on this site and it has helped me to be better informed about
this decision. Surgery was Monday, I'm hurting right now but healing as well. I'm taking all kinds of vitamins and things that promote healing. Looking to change my diet from here on out to prevent any other cancers from attacking my body. The surgeon did his job, now it's my turn to heal my body and getting it working the best it can without a prostate.
Banked some sperm last Monday, just in case I want to have any kids. I'm told I've got some good samples on ice as of right now, ready to go. If I do find the right woman to have kids with, I'll do it. I'm single right now and didn't want the fact that I couldn't have kids be a deal breaker on any long term relationship prospects in the future.
I'm planning on going back to work Monday, one week after surgery depending how I feel. I have a sit down at a computer screen editing television job. It's not heavy lifting so I think I can do it. However I'm ready to admit that I can't if I don't feel up to it come Monday and I'm sitting in that chair. I think it will help heal my mind if I stay mentally active. Although couching it a little bit on the oxycontin is really nice
Thanks for this site guys, it's a great help to all us newbies. I think I gotta look up that posting about
stuff to buy like pads, etc I'll be needing over the next few weeks and months.