Posted 4/23/2015 9:07 AM (GMT -5)
Hello All.....
Haven't posted lately because there isn't much going on with us anymore. Since hospice started 04/03/2015, our journey has slowed down tremendously. I don't know what I expected with "hospice" but I guess it's what it's suppose to be, just a "comfort care" program. It doesn't diminish the patient's withering away progress that your eyes see everyday. The weaker and weaker the patient gets, the less and less food & liquid intake he consumes, the more he sleeps (which is good for the patient, but not the caregiver), the more and more assistance you have to help the patient with, bathroom, bathing drinking, etc. Conversation's are almost non-existent, his thoughts are muddled, and he can't rationalize what day it is or what he did or is suppose to do that day. Need I say more, it is so mind boggling what this disease or any disease for that matter does to a human being...why? I feel so inadequate now, not investigating or researching for an alternative program. All I can and do is sit and watch my man "fade away", and this is not what I want to remember later on. I still want to remember that vibrant man, sailing, fishing, grilling out, walking the beaches as he prays to our Lord, playing pitch with the grand kids, cutting the grass, yes these are trivial things, but they are the every day activities that he no longer can do and it hurts, him and me to know that he no longer has the capabilities to ever do these activities again in this life.
Yes, we still get up every morning, him not as early as me, but we still try to maintain some sort daily routine. I can't leave him, unless he absolutely promises he will not try to get up and do something by himself because his legs and his body are too weak and he could fall. He has lost forty pounds, which is a lot but he was overweight to start with. However, if he mentions anything at all that he might want to eat, off I go to get it from the store or fast food restaurant and he might eat a bite or two, and that's wonderful.
I don't know if the Xofigo was his downfall, at first it was almost like a miracle drug, turned him around 180 degrees, but it also killed his bone marrow,or the cancer did. All of the drugs/treatments that our guys take are two edged swords, they take and they give, they help for awhile and then you start back at ground zero again. Don't get me wrong, I would go down these same avenue's as we did, because he did survive a lot longer than the statistics provided, but at what cost and whose's. He has waged war, and suffered for so long battling this disease and here we are........almost lifeless and empty.
I didn't want to write this much but just got started and couldn't stop. I have some good days when I don't cry, and days when that's about all I do. Especially when I hold him in my arms, and straighten his clothes when I help him lay down in bed. Like right now when I write these thoughts down, and remember when.....
I am not enjoying these finals months, weeks, days of life with my man, because he can't communicate his thoughts clearly and our conversations are minimal and watching his decline is not something anyone would enjoy seeing, I am sure. I feel guilty saying this but that is the honest part of me, and who could enjoy watching this disease consume another person, let alone it be your partner in life of fifty one years.
I've received a couple of e-mails from you guys, checking up on me and I truly appreciate your thoughts. You have to be strong and persistent with dealing with everyone in the medical field, and continue to research and investigate, because I know there is a "cure" out there and one of these days, it's going to happen and all of you will benefit and "come back" from this journey and be a just hasn't happened during our journey.
Peace, Love and HOPE to all of you!