Posted 5/1/2015 11:11 PM (GMT -5)
Hi Sue,
I don't think you need to worry about it leeching into the air, they pack the four of us into a small private room, smaller than n exam room, to do the Tx and no one seems concerned. So sorry to hear about Dave's blood counts, it's the platelets this time, am I right? I read your post about how you feel that Dave's treatment has been improperly sequenced and I wanted to tell you that I agree with you. I am not totally up on his complete program but from his signature and your posts it just doesn't seem right.
That happened to a friend of mines husband last year as far as I'm concerned and I truthfully feel like it shortened his life by years. He was Dxed at age 60 with PSA 350 and a G-7 with minor mets. Those are better numbers than I had at my Dx. They immediately started him on chemo, doxatel, for I don't know how many treatments but it really knocked out his immune system. Only when that didn't lower his PSA did they put him on HT. I was started on HT 8 years ago and am still on it. My friends PSA dropped to I think 37 on the HT but his immune system left him so weak that the mets spread. Long story short, Rudy died 7 months after Dx. I really think that if they would have started out with HT he would have lasted longer, they shouldn't have brought out the big chemo guns right off. I know that when I was Dxed my MO was adamantly against going to chemo right away. Keep up your campaign and I think that when you come back to this life you will make a great Oncologist . . . Q