Posted 7/2/2015 11:23 AM (GMT -5)
Sophie, I have been injecting about 3 years now. For the first 28 months, I was having no problems. However about 6 months ago, I started having the same problem as your DH. It was very hard to press the plunger. I tried backing off a little a couple of times and the plunger was a little easier, but it felt like I was injecting liquid fire and got zero results. I stopped treatment for a while to consider my options. For the last few months, I have developed a new technique which seems to be working for me. I lay that puppy over on it's side to inject now and have not had the stuck plunger. I bought too many syringes and have had them for a while. I also noticed that when loading the medicine, the plunger seemed to stick, so now before I load, I will work the plunger up and down to loosen it up. Hope this helps.
Hey Curt, long time, no talk! How's life?