AMS 800 AUS...How long did you wait?
Less than six months. - 0.0% - 0 votes
7 - 12 months. - 18.2% - 2 votes
13 - 18 months. - 9.1% - 1 votes
18 - 24 months. - 18.2% - 2 votes
2 - 3 Years. - 9.1% - 1 votes
Still waiting... - 45.5% - 5 votes
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Posted 7/30/2015 8:02 AM (GMT -5)
Well having just passed by one week anniversary of activation...I just wanted to say that this thing is AMAZING!!! So very happy to be getting life back to the new normal, it will never be like pre PCa, but is what it is. I am now able to pretty much use the pump with one hand, and growing to love my new found friend. I make s a world of difference and for anyone who is struggling with inconntenace I personally highly recommend taking a look at this as a viable option, it truely is life changing. I a, back to work. Doing well, and will for the first time since 2013 attend a balloon festival this weekend, and be able to not worry about leaking, setting up the balloon and flying while dry, drinking champagne when we land and then having a beer no problem!!! YES!!!
So my question for all those who have an AUS a few questions?
1). How long from Surgery did you wait to pull the trigger on your AMS 800?
2). How long have you had it installed and in use?
3). Longevity....any issues?
I figured that this might help others who are still leaking and any info that we can provide them with will be greatly appreciated!
So here are my answers:
1. 20 months
2. 8 days...such a rookie!
3. Don't even want to think about it!
Posted 7/30/2015 8:19 AM (GMT -5)
Hi Paul,
I have never seen anyone happier with a new toy than you are! Yay!
As for me, I leak so little now that an AUS would probably never be approved for me- at least insurance probably won't pay. Maybe even not for a sling, don't know what the rules are. But while I get by most days with no pads and no significant leaks, it's still something I have to be constantly aware of and on guard about. And a few dime to quarter size spots probably will escape if I am not very careful(or even if I am) and if I don't empty out fairly often. And of course, climacturia is one of several things that greatly decreases any desire to even seek that activity out. (do slings help with climacturia, or do only AUS help with that?)
So, at about 18 months, I would still like to be even further along, and sometimes think I would even go through another surgery for it, but I have a suspicion that Medicare would say I am good enough, live with it.
Posted 7/30/2015 9:40 AM (GMT -5)
Answer to questions:
1). How long from Surgery did you wait to pull the trigger on your AMS 800?
33 months from RP. 27 months from end of adjuvant radiation. 8 months from end of HT.
2). How long have you had it installed and in use?
Going on 5 months.
3). Longevity....any issues?
Early days for me yet so no actual results. But I am told that I am less likely to erode because my cuff is looser (and slightly leakier than I had hoped.)
I have to confess that I am not anything like "dry" with my AUS 800. I was a fairly heavy leaker before I had it installed (300-500 ml per day) and with the AUS I am down to around 50 ml. It is a big improvement. I can confidently go all day on one high-absorbancy pad (Guard) and I don' t need to carry extras. But I had hoped to be dry. *sigh*
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Posted 7/30/2015 11:19 AM (GMT -5)
I am totally dry..I also leaked between 250-750 ml a day prior so to me this is so good!
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Posted 8/2/2015 6:36 AM (GMT -5)
Hey Paul, this is Fantastic news for you! Been in South Jersey with Dad, in assisted living, so have been out of the loop on your progress!!! My continence has degraded a bit, and will be meeting with my Uro regarding an Advance Sling procedure... Any where near an AUS, 2 pads a day, with heavy exertion on the job and around the house, loss of control with gallons of alcohol! What is disconcerting is that I leak continuously when getting even the slightest arousal from my buddy, definitely a killer of the mood!!! Best of Luck for your continued dryness!!!
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Posted 8/2/2015 7:42 AM (GMT -5)
The AUS was the most positive procedure since diagnosis. Glad yours has turned out so well!
1). How long from Surgery did you wait to pull the trigger on your AMS 800? 9 months from RRP, 3 months from end of radiation. Even after PT, no improvement. Urologist did not believe more time would help because of the radiation. Glad to not have waited any longer.
2). How long have you had it installed and in use? 16 months
3). Longevity....any issues? Too soon to tell....Don't even want to think about it!
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Posted 8/3/2015 8:15 AM (GMT -5)
Glad everyone has had simualr experiences, like I stated early it truely is life changing
Worried Guy
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Posted 8/3/2015 8:13 PM (GMT -5)
I didn't get the AUS. My leakage, <200ml per day, qualified me for the AdVance Sling.
I lasted 18 months before getting it done. I'm still smiling.
It does take me a long time to pee. A looong time. But it's worth it.
That was 4 1/2 years ago and I am just starting to notice slight leakage. It is the sling or me. I can't tell.
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Posted 8/4/2015 12:03 AM (GMT -5)
Been thinking about getting the AMS 800 as the stress incontinence is a pain in the a** when working on projects involving a lot of ladder work, lifting, up/down movements. Anybody have some doctor suggestions for Seattle-Wenatchee areas?
Big Mac
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Posted 8/4/2015 8:48 AM (GMT -5)
Hi Paul,
Here are my answers:
1) I waited 20 months
2) I have had it 16 months
3) Changed my world!
Bill from Florida
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Posted 8/4/2015 6:55 PM (GMT -5)
pasayten said...
Been thinking about getting the AMS 800 as the stress incontinence is a pain in the a** when working on projects involving a lot of ladder work, lifting, up/down movements. Anybody have some doctor suggestions for Seattle-Wenatchee areas?
I am in NNY so I can't help any for the PNW maybe someone will chime in! Like I said I highly recommend it it changed my life!!!
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Posted 8/4/2015 8:04 PM (GMT -5)
Big Mac said...
Hi Paul,
Here are my answers:
1) I waited 20 months
2) I have had it 16 months
3) Changed my world!
Bill from Florida
Bill you can say #3 again!!!
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Posted 8/8/2015 3:12 PM (GMT -5)
I new before I had the Foley Cath. out I was in trouble.. was leaking like a sieve around that.
I had my bladder removed and post surgery.. Kegals were no help.
had surgery within 7 months but had to redo a year and half later.
I would have to look at my signature here.. almost 5/6 years old now. Hoping to go 15!!!
Not dry, but only wearing a pad.. not bad!!